Latest CCMA Directive of 30 July 2020


The latest CCMA Directive of 30 July 2020 has been published by the Director of the CCMA. It applies with effect from 1 August 2020. The following are among the main modifications introduced by the new directive: Parties are not permitted to visit the CCMA offices for any administrative matters, […]

Closure of CCMA Vaal, Witbank, Bloemfontein and Durban offices


On 20th July 2020 the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) issued a notice announcing a temporary closure of CCMA Vaal, Witbank, Bloemfontein and Durban offices. The closure came as a result of confirmed COVID-19 cases and is an attempt to protect employees and visitors. The CCMA has announced […]

Extension of TERS Benefits to August


South Africans will be pleased to note that during what feels like an endless struggle with COVID-19, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Government has announced an extension of TERS benefits to August. This extension provides an additional six weeks during which employers will be able […]

Employment Equity Amendment Bill Published on 20 July 2020


The long-awaited Employment Equity Amendment Bill, which will make far-reaching changes to the Employment Equity Act, was published today. It will be introduced in the National Assembly shortly, paving the way to its enactment once the legislative process is complete. The most significant amendment that it introduces, is the setting […]

NUMSA picketing during the covid-19 lockdown


NUMSA has announced that its members at ArcelorMittal South Africa will be picketing during the covid-19 lockdown. The picket is set to take place today (Monday, 20 July 2020) in response to a retrenchment consultation process which is underway at AMSA. In NUMAS’s press-release, it said the following regarding the […]

SASLAW Conference 2020 Scheduled in November


The South African Society for Labour Law (SASLAW) has postponed the conference scheduled in September 2020 as a result of the continued lockdown. The SASLAW conference 2020 is now to be held on 5 and 6 November. It will take the form of a hybrid conference, meaning that delegates can […]

NUMSA v SAA Judgment on Business Rescue


On 8 July 2020, the Labour Appeal Court dismissed an appeal against a judgment of the Labour Court involving a retrenchment process at SAA. The LAC upheld the Labour Court’s finding that it was procedurally unfair to commence a retrenchment consultation process in terms of section 189 of the Labour […]

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